Wissam ben yedder ea fc 24 évolutions cheminée (2024)

Cette carte est maintenant dans votreEvolutions personnaliséesliste');});} fonction updatePreViewPos () {$ ('. Level-Preview-Card .card-24-pack .card-24-pack-extra-info'). html ('');pour (que i = 2; i <5; i ++) {if ($ ('. position' + i) .val ()! = '') {$ ('. niveau-preview-card .card-24-pack.card-24-pack-extra-info '). append (' '

'+ $ ('. position '+ i) .val () +'

');}}} fonction updatePreViewps () {let compté = 0;$ ('. Level-Preview-Card .card-24-pack .card-24-pack-playstyles'). html ('');$ ('. PlaystylesPlus entrée'). Chaque (fonction () {if ($ (this) .is (': checked')) {if (compté> = 4) {alert ('vous ne pouvez avoir que 4 playstyles +');

');} compté ++;}});} fonction copyLink () {var $ temp = $ ("");var $ url = $ (emplacement) .attr ('href');$ ("corps"). Ajouter ($ temp);$ temp.val ($ url) .select ();document.execcommand ("copie");$ temp.Remove ();$ (". linkbtn"). text ("URL copié!");setTimeout (function () {$ ('. linkbtn'). html ('Copier le lien');}, 2000);} Selt precimg = document.getElementById ('aperview-image'); fonction showImg (typeImg) {$ ('. Dlilig'). Hide ();document.getElementById ('Aperçu-IMAGE'). RemoveAtTribute ('SRC');if (typeImg == 'Square') {$ ('. chargement-iMg'). Att ('style', 'affiche: flex;');previmg.src = 'https://cdn.futwiz.com/img/evosquare?line_id=376&evolution='+sel_evo_id;ImageLoaded (precimg) .then (() => {$ ('. chargement-iMg'). att ('style', ''); $ ('. dlimg'). att ('style', 'affiche: en ligne-bloc;'); });$ ('.dlimg') .attr ('href', 'https: //www.futwiz.com/en/fc24/image? url = https: //cdn.futwiz.com/assets/img/fc24/social/vo-square/376-eo-'+sel_evo_id+'.jpg ');} else if (typeImg == 'long') {$ ('. chargement-iMg'). att ('style', 'affiche: flex;');precimg.src = 'https://cdn.futwiz.com/img/evolong?line_id=376&evolution='+sel_evo_id;ImageLoaded (precimg) .then (() => {$ ('. chargement-iMg'). att ('style', ''); $ ('. dlimg'). att ('style', 'affiche: en ligne-bloc;'); });$ ('.dlimg') .attr ('href', 'https: //www.futwiz.com/en/fc24/image? url = https: //cdn.futwiz.com/assets/img/fc24/social/evo-ong/376-eo-'+sel_evo_id+'.jpg ');}} $ ('. Select-header'). sur ('cliquez', fonction () {$ ('.' + $ (this) .attr ('data-id')). toggle (); $ ('. '+ $ (this) .attr (' data-id ') +' - input '). focus ();}); fonction rond-number (numéro) {return -math.round (-number);} const pStats ={playstylesplus: 1, playstyles: 4, altpos: 1, ovr: 83, pos: 'st', orig_att1: 80, orig_att2: 84, orig_att3: 78, orig_att4: 87, orig_att5: 39, orig_att6: 68, att1: 80:.: 68, Agression: 62, positionnement: 88, Tactaware: 44, vision: 80, BallControl: 87, Crossing: 74, courbe: 82, dribble: 86, Finishing: 87, FKACC: 76, HeadingACC: 74, LongPass: 66.}; const evolutions_challenges = {}; let sel_evo_id = 0; $. get ('/ en / fc24 / evolutionsjson', function (d) {let totalAcailable = 0; d = $ .passejson (d); $ .eeach (d d, function (key, val) {reqs = $ .parsejson (val.evo_reqs);Soit valide = 1;dollarselse {Splitstr) {Splitstr [1].split ('|');Valid = 0;}} else {if (pStats [k] <= splitstr2 [0] && pStats [k]> = splittr [2]) {} else {valid = 0;> 1) {if (Splitstr [0] == 'min') {if (pStats [k]> = splittr [1]) {} else {valid = 0;max ') {if (pStats [k] <= splittr [1]) {} else {valid = 0;if (v == 127) {if (player_default_rarity! = 11 && player_default_rarity! = 65) {valid = 0;}} else {valid = 0;'== V ||'St' == v) {} else {valid = 0;}} else {if (pStats [k] == v) {} else {valid = 0;}}}}} else {if (k == 'rarity') {if (player_default_rarity == v) {} else if (v == 127) {if (player_default_rarity! = 11 && player_default_rarity! = 65) {valid =0;}} else {valid = 0;}} else if (k == 'pos') {if ('st' == v || 'cf' == v || '' == v || '' == v) {} else {valid =0;}} else if (k == 'exactPos') {if ('st' == v) {} else {valid = 0;}} else if (k == 'excros') {if (v.indexof ("|")> 0) {v2 = v.split ('|');$ .each (v2, fonction (kp, vp) {if ('st'! = vp && 'cf'! = vp && ''! = vp && ''! = vp) {} else {valid = 0;}});} else {if ('st'! = v && 'cf'! = v && ''! = v && ''! = v) {} else {valid = 0;}}} else if (k == 'Excrarity') {} else if (k == 'ligue') {if (v! = 16) {valid = 0;}} else {if (pStats [k] == v) {} else {valid = 0;}}} if ('st' == 'gk') {valid = 0;}});if (valide == 1) {totalAcavailable ++;if (! evolutions_upgrades [val.evo_id]) {evolutions_upgrades [val.evo_id] = {};evolutions_upgrades [val.evo_id] ["evo_name"] = val.evo_name;evolutions_upgrades [val.evo_id] ["evo_cost"] = val.evo_cost;evolutions_upgrades [val.evo_id] ["evo_rewards"] = {};evolutions_upgrades [val.evo_id] ["evo_rewards"] [val.evo_level] = val.evo_rewards;evolutions_challenges [val.evo_id] = {};evolutions_challenges [val.evo_id] [val.evo_level] = {};evolutions_challenges [val.evo_id] [val.evo_level] [val.challenge_id] = val.challenge_text;} else {evolutions_upgrades [val.evo_id] ["evo_rewards"] [val.evo_level] = val.evo_rewards;if (! evolutions_challenges [val.evo_id] [val.evo_level]) {evolutions_challenges [val.evo_id] [val.evo_level] = {};} evolutions_challenges [val.evo_id] [val.evo_level] [val.challenge_id] = val.challenge_text;}}});if (TotalAcAwingable> 0) {object.entries (evolutions_upgrades) .ForEach (([k, v]) => {$ ('. select-evolution'). append (''+ v.evo_name +'');});} else {$ ('. select-evolution'). APPEND ('Aucune évolution disponible pour ce joueur :(');} LET LOAD_EVO = 0 const queeryString = window.location.search;const urlParams = new UrlSearchParams (queystring);load_evo = urlparams.get («appliquer»);if (load_evo) {$ ('. select-title'). html ($ ('. evotitle' + load_evo) .text ());applicable_évolution (load_evo);}}); fonction appliquée_évolution (evo_id) {if (evo_id == 5) {$ ('. infotxt'). html ('

Cette évolution nécessite un joueur déjà évolué.Nous travaillons sur une solution pour cela

').montrer();;} else {$ ('. infotxt'). hide ();} document.getElementById ('Aperçu-IMAGE'). RemoveAtTribute ('SRC');$ ('. dlimg'). hide ();sel_evo_id = evo_id;$ ('. Challenge-share'). show ();// History.pushstate ('', 'Wissam Ben Yedder FC 24 Evoltions', 'https://www.futwiz.com/en/wissam-ben-yedder/fc24/evolutions/376?apply='+evo_id);$ .get ('https://www.futwiz.com/en/fc24/evolutions/view/376/'+evo_id);$ ('. evo-level-1'). hide ();$ ('. evo-level-2'). hide ();$ ('. evo-level-3'). hide ();$ ('. evo-level-4'). hide ();$ ('. Level-rewards'). html ('');$ ('. Challenge-Objectives'). Html ('');const reward_labels = {"ovr": "global", "att1": "rythme", "att2": "tir", "att3": "passant", "att4": "dribblig", "att5": "défendre"," att6 ":" physique "," Altpos ":" Position alternative "," Faiblefoot ":" Faiblefoot "," Skillmoves ":" Skill Moves "," PlaystylePlus ":" Playstyle + "," Playstyle ":" Playstyle"," attwer ":" att. W / r "," defwr ":" Def., "Finition": "Finishing", "Shotpower": "Shot Power", "Longshot": "Long Shots", "Volleys": "Volleys", "Pénalités": "pénalités", "Vision": "Vision", "Crossing": "Crossing", "FKACC": "FK ACC.", "Shortpass": "Court passant", "Longpass": "Long Passing", "Curve": "Curve", "Agility": "Agility "," Balance ":" Balance "," Reactions ":" Reactions "," BallControl ":" Ball Control "," Dribbling ":" Dribbling "," Caphesthe ":" Caphepose "," Tactaware ":" Interceptions"," Headingacc ":" Heading Acc. "," Marking ":" Def.":" Stamina "," Force ":" Force "," Aggression ":" Aggression ",} const playstyle_labels = {" PowerShot ":" Power Shot "," Deadball ":" Dead Ball "," Chipshot ":"Chip Shot "," Finedshot ":" Finesse Shot "," Powerheader ":" Power Header "," PingedPass ":" Pinged Pass "," IncisivePass ":" Incisive Pass "," LongballPass ":" Long Ball Pass ","Tikitaka": "Tiki Taka", "Whiedcrosser": "Whipped Crosser", "FirstTouch": "First Touch", "Flair": "Flair", "Pressproven": "Press prouvé", "Rapid": "Rapid"," technique ":" technique "," trickster ":" trickster "," block ":" block "," bruiser ":" bruiser "," intercept ":" intercept "," jockey ":" jockey ","Slidetackle": "Tackle de diapositives", "anticipé": "anticipé", "acrobatique": "acrobatique", "aérial": "aérial", "Trivela": "Trivela", "implacable": "implacable", "Quickstep ":" rapide étape "," Longthrow ":" Long Throw "," Farthrow ":" Far Throw "," Footwork ":" Footwork "," Crosscatcher ":" Cross Catch "," Rushout ":" Rush Out"," Farreach ":" Farch "," QuickReflex ":" REMPLESS RÉFLEXES ",} $ ('. Player-Evolutions-Items .Card-24-Pack'). Find ('. Card-24-Pack-Attnum1') .html (pstats.orig_att1) .removeclass (' boostStat ');$ ('. Player-evolutions-items .card-24-pack'). find ('. card-24-pack-attnum2'). html (pstats.orig_att2) .removeclass ('booststat');$ ('. Player-evolutions-items .card-24-pack'). find ('. card-24-pack-attnum3'). html (pstats.orig_att3) .removeclass ('booststat');$ ('. Player-evolutions-items .card-24-pack'). find ('. card-24-pack-attnum4'). html (pstats.orig_att4) .removeclass ('booststat');$ ('. Player-evolutions-items .card-24-pack'). find ('. card-24-pack-attnum5'). html (pstats.orig_att5) .removeclass ('booststat');$ ('. Player-evolutions-items .card-24-pack'). find ('. card-24-pack-attnum6'). html (pstats.orig_att6) .removeclass ('booststat');$ ('. Player-evolutions-items .card-24-pack'). find ('. card-24-pack rating'). html (pstats.ovr) .removeclass ('boostStat');$ ('. Player-evolutions-items .card-24-pack'). find ('. card-24-pack-wf'). html (pstats.weakfoot) .removeclass ('boostedstat');$ ('. Player-evolutions-items .card-24-pack'). find ('. card-24-pack-sm'). html (pstats.skillmoves) .RemoveClass ('booststat');$ ('. card-24-level-1 .card-24-pack'). att ('class', 'card-24-pack card-24-pack-evolv1');$ ('. card-24-level-2 .card-24-pack'). att ('class', 'card-24-pack card-24-pack-evolv2');$ ('. card-24-level-3 .card-24-pack'). att ('class', 'card-24-pack card-24-pack-evolv3');$ ('. card-24-level-4 .card-24-pack'). att ('class', 'card-24-pack card-24-pack-evolv4');if ($ ('. evo-bas-item .card-24-pack'). find ('. card-24-pack-extra-info'). html ()) {$ ('. Player-evolutions-items.card-24-pack '). find ('. Card-24-pack-Extra-info ').-24-pack-extra-info '). Html ());} if ($ ('. evo-bas-item .card-24-pack'). find ('. card-24-pack-extra-info'). html ()) {$ ('. Player-evolutions-articles .card-24-pack '). find ('. card-24-pack-playstyles '). html ($ ('. evo-bask24-pack-playstyles '). Html ());} $ ('. Challenge-Objectives'). APPEND ('

'+ $ ('. evotitle '+ evo_id) .text () +' défis

');Object.entries (evolutions_challenges [evo_id]). Foreach (([k, v]) => {if (evolutions_upgrades [evo_id] ['cost']> 0) {$ ('. Challenge-objectifs').

Défis de niveau '+ k +'

Coût: '+ evolutions_upgrades [evo_id] [' Cost '] +'

    ');} else {$ ('. Challenge-Objectives'). APPEND ('

    Défis de niveau '+ k +'

      ');} $ .each (v, function (ck, cv) {$ ('. Challenge-Objectifs'). APPEND ('
    • '+ cv +'
    • ');});$ ('. Challenge-Objectives'). Ajouter ('
    ');});Object.entries (evolutions_upgrades [evo_id] .evo_rewards) .ForEach (([k, v]) => {let didacceleration = 0; let didSprintSpeed = 0; let dipospositioning = 0; let didFinishing = 0; let didlongshot = 0;DidPenalties = 0;DidBalance = 0;Didagression = 0;| rk == 'att2' ||-24-level - '+ k +' .card-24-pack '). Find ('. Card-24-pack - '+ rk.replace (' att ',' attnum ')). Html ());= (currstat + rv);if (newstat> 99) {newStat = 99;} $ ('. Card-24-level -' + k + '.card-24-pack'). find ('. card-24-pack -' + rk.replace ('att', 'attnum')).html (newstat) .addclass ('boostStat');$ ('. Level -' + K + '- Rewards'). Ajouter ('

    + '+ rv +' '+ reward_labels [rk]);if (k == 1) {$ ('. card-24-level-2'). find ('. card-24-pack -' + rk.replace ('att', 'attnum')). html (NewStat);$ ('. Card-24-level-3'). Find ('. Card-24-pack -' + rk.replace ('att', 'attnum')). html (newstat);$ ('. card-24-level-4'). find ('. card-24-pack -' + rk.replace ('att', 'attnum')). html (newstat);} else if (k == 2) {$ ('. card-24-level-3'). find ('. card-24-pack -' + rk.replace ('att', 'attnum')).HTML (NewStat);$ ('. card-24-level-4'). find ('. card-24-pack -' + rk.replace ('att', 'attnum')). html (newstat);} else if (k == 3) {$ ('. card-24-level-4'). find ('. card-24-pack -' + rk.replace ('att', 'attnum')).HTML (NewStat);} pStats [rk] + = rv;} else if (rk == 'ovr') {currstat = parseInt ($ ('. card-24-letel -' + k + '.card-24-pack'). find ('. card-24-pack rating') .html ());newStat = (currstat + rv);if (newstat> 99) {newStat = 99;} $ ('. card-24-letel -' + k + '.card-24-pack'). find ('. card-24-pack rating'). html (newstat) .addclass ('boostStat');$ ('. Level -' + K + '- Rewards'). Ajouter ('

    + '+ rv +' '+ reward_labels [rk]);if (k == 1) {$ ('. card-24-level-2'). find ('. card-24-pack rating'). html (newStat);$ ('. Card-24-level-3'). Find ('. Card-24-Pack-Rating'). Html (NewStat);$ ('. card-24-level-4'). find ('. card-24-pack rating'). html (newstat);} else if (k == 2) {$ ('. card-24-level-3'). find ('. card-24-pack rating'). html (newStat);$ ('. card-24-level-4'). find ('. card-24-pack rating'). html (newstat);} else if (k == 3) {$ ('. card-24-level-4'). find ('. card-24-pack rating'). html (newStat);}} else if (rk == 'faiblefoot') {currstat = parseInt ($ ('. card-24-level -' + k + '.card-24-pack .card-24-pack-extra-info-foot.card-24-pack-foot-txt .card-24-pack-foot-in '). find ('. card-24-pack-wf '). html ());newStat = (currstat + rv);if (newstat> 5) {newStat = 5;} $ ('. card-24-letel -' + k + '.card-24-pack .card-24-pack-extra-info-foot .card-24-pack-foot-txt .card-24-pack-foot-in '). find ('. card-24-pack-wf '). html (newstat) .attr (' style ',' couleur: LightGreen; text-shadow: 1px 1px 4px # 000; ');$ ('. Level -' + K + '- Rewards'). Ajouter ('

    + '+ rv +' '+ reward_labels [rk]);cl = k;while (cl <5) {$ ('. card-24-level -' + cl + '.card-24-pack .card-24-pack-extra-info-foot .card-24-pack-foot-txt.card-24-pack-foot-in '). find ('. card-24-pack-wf '). html (newstat);cl ++;}} else if (rk == 'SkillMoves') {currstat = parseInt ($ ('. Card-24-level -' + k + '.card-24-pack .card-24-pack-extra-info-foot.card-24-pack-foot-txt .card-24-pack-foot-in '). find ('. card-24-pack-sm '). html ());newStat = (currstat + rv);if (newstat> 5) {newStat = 5;} $ ('. card-24-letel -' + k + '.card-24-pack .card-24-pack-extra-info-foot .card-24-pack-foot-txt .card-24-pack-pied-in '). find ('. card-24-pack-sm '). html (newstat) .attr (' style ',' couleur: LightGreen; text-shadow: 1px 1px 4px # 000; ');$ ('. Level -' + K + '- Rewards'). Ajouter ('

    + '+ rv +' '+ reward_labels [rk]);cl = k;while (cl <5) {$ ('. card-24-level -' + cl + '.card-24-pack .card-24-pack-extra-info-foot .card-24-pack-foot-txt.card-24-pack-foot-in '). find ('. card-24-pack-sm '). html (newstat);cl ++;}} else if (rk == 'playstylePlus') {$ ('. Level -' + k + '- rewards'). APPEND ('

    Nouveau playstyle +: '+ playstyle_labels [rv] +'

    ');cl = k;while (cl <5) {$ ('. Card-24-level -' + cl + '.card-24-pack .card-24-pack-playstyles').

    ');cl ++;}} else if (rk == 'attWr') {if (rv == 'high') {rv = 'h';} else if (rv == 'med') {rv = 'm';} else if (rv == 'Low') {rv = 'l';} $ ('. card-24-letel -' + k + '.card-24-pack .card-24-pack-extra-info-foot .card-24-pack-foot-txt .card-24-pack-foot-in '). find ('. card-24-pack-attwr '). html (rv) .attr (' style ',' couleur: LightGreen; text-shadow: 1px 1px 4px # 000; ');$ ('. Level -' + K + '- Rewards'). Ajouter ('

    + '+ rv +' '+ reward_labels [rk]);cl = k;while (cl <5) {$ ('. card-24-level -' + cl + '.card-24-pack .card-24-pack-extra-info-foot .card-24-pack-foot-txt.card-24-pack-foot-in '). find ('. card-24-pack-attwr '). html (rv);cl ++;}} else if (rk == 'defwr') {if (rv == 'high') {rv = 'h';} else if (rv == 'med') {rv = 'm';} else if (rv == 'Low') {rv = 'l';} $ ('. card-24-letel -' + k + '.card-24-pack .card-24-pack-extra-info-foot .card-24-pack-foot-txt .card-24-pack-pied-in '). find ('. card-24-pack-defwr '). html (rv) .attr (' style ',' couleur: LightGreen; text-shadow: 1px 1px 4px # 000; ');$ ('. Level -' + K + '- Rewards'). Ajouter ('

    + '+ rv +' '+ reward_labels [rk]);cl = k;while (cl <5) {$ ('. card-24-level -' + cl + '.card-24-pack .card-24-pack-extra-info-foot .card-24-pack-foot-txt.card-24-pack-foot-in '). find ('. card-24-pack-defwr '). html (rv);cl ++;}} else if (rk == 'accélération' || rk == 'sprintSpeed' || rk == 'positioning' || rk == 'finition' || rk == 'longshot' || rk == 'pénalités'|| rk ==' Shotpower '|| rk ==' Volleys '|| rk =='|== 'Réactions' ||'Standingtackle' || rk == 'Aggression' || rk == 'Jumping' || rk == 'Stamina' ||).ajouter('

    + '+ rv +' '+ reward_labels [rk]);eval ('did' + rk + '= 1');PSTATS [RK] + = RV;} else if (rk == 'playstyle') {SplitPS = rv.split (',');if (SplitPS [1]) {$ .each (SplitPS, fonction (psk, psv) {$ ('. Level -' + K + '- Rewards'). APPEND ('

    Nouveau playstyle: '+ playstyle_labels [psv] +'

    ');});} else {$ ('. Level -' + k + '- récompenses'). APPEND ('

    Nouveau playstyle: '+ playstyle_labels [rv] +'

    ');}} else if (rk == 'raritySite') {$ ('. card-24-level -' + k + '.card-24-pack'). att ('class', 'card-24-pack' +RV);} else if (rk == 'rarityImg') {} else if (rk == 'altpos') {$ ('. Level -' + k + '- rewards').

    '+ reward_labels [rk] +': '+ rv);cl = k;while (cl <5) {$ ('. card-24-level -' + cl + '.card-24-pack .card-24-pack-extra-info').

    '+ RV +'

    ');cl ++;}} else {$ ('. Level -' + K + '- Rewards'). APPEND ('

    '+ reward_labels [rk] +': + '+ rv);} $ ('. evo-level -' + k) .show ();});if (didagility == 1 || didBalance == 1 || DidballControl == 1 || didDribbling == 1 || DiDeaces == 1) {dristat = rond ((pstats ['agilité'] * 0,10) + (pStats ['Balance'] * 0,05) + (PSTATS ['BallControl'] * 0,30) + (PSTATS ['DRIBBLING'] * 0,50) + (PSTATS ['Réactions'] * 0,05) + (PSTATS ['Caluisme'] * 0,00));$ ('. Card-24-level -' + k + '.card-24-pack'). find ('. Card-24-pack-Attnum4'). html (dristat) .addclass ('boostedstat');if (k == 1) {$ ('. card-24-level-2'). find ('. card-24-pack-attnum4'). html (dristat);$ ('. Card-24-level-3'). Find ('. Card-24-pack-Attnum4'). Html (dristat);$ ('. Card-24-level-4'). Find ('. Card-24-pack-Attnum4'). Html (dristat);} else if (k == 2) {$ ('. card-24-level-3'). find ('. Card-24-pack-Attnum4'). html (dristat);$ ('. Card-24-level-4'). Find ('. Card-24-pack-Attnum4'). Html (dristat);} else if (k == 3) {$ ('. card-24-level-4'). find ('. Card-24-pack-Attnum4'). html (dristat);}} if (DidTactAware == 1 || DiDheadingACC == 1 || DidMarking == 1 || DiSLIDETACKLE == 1 || DIDESTINGETACKLE == 1) {Defstat = RoundNumber ((pStats ['TactAware'] * 0,20) + (PSTATS ['HeadingACC'] * 0.10) + (pStats ['marking'] * 0,30) + (pStats ['Slidetackle'] * 0.10) + (pStats ['standingtackle'] * 0,30));$ ('. card-24-level -' + k + '.card-24-pack'). find ('. card-24-pack-attnum5'). html (defstat) .addclass ('boostedstat');if (k == 1) {$ ('. card-24-level-2'). find ('. card-24-pack-attnum5'). html (defstat);$ ('. Card-24-level-3'). Find ('. Card-24-pack-Attnum5'). Html (Defstat);$ ('. card-24-level-4'). find ('. card-24-pack-attnum5'). html (defstat);} else if (k == 2) {$ ('. card-24-level-3'). find ('. Card-24-pack-Attnum5'). html (defstat);$ ('. card-24-level-4'). find ('. card-24-pack-attnum5'). html (defstat);} else if (k == 3) {$ ('. card-24-level-4'). find ('. Card-24-pack-Attnum5'). html (defstat);}}});} $ («.'rarity-active');} else {$ (this) .addclass ('rarity-active');? Check & Checkline ', fonction (d) {if (d == 0) {$ ('. Myevo-btn '). Text (' + My Evo ');'- Level');} else if (d == 1) {$ ('. Myevo-btn').');} else if (d == -1) {$ ('. Myevo-btn '). Text (' Connexion pour ajouter à mon evo \ 's'). att ('supprimer', '2');$ ('. Myevo-Custom-btn'). Supprime ();} else if (d> 1) {$ ('. Myevo-btn').'.myevo-btn'). chaque (fonction () {console.log (d + '-' + $ (this) .attr ('data-btn-id')); if ($ (this) .attr ('data-btn-id ') == d) {$ (this) .text (' supprimer '). att (' style ',' background: # ff9900; couleur: rgba (0,0,0,0.87); ') .Attr ('supprimer', '1');}}); $ ('..this) .attr ('data-btn-id') + '? retire';} else {btnUrl = '/en/fc24/save-evolution/376/'+$(this).attr('data-btn-id');} if ($ (this) .attr ('retire') == '2') {window.location = '/ en / login';} else {btn = $ (this);$ .get (btnUrl, fonction (d) {if (d! = 1 && d! = 2 && d! = -1) {$ ('body'). append ('


    '+ d +'
    Appuyez sur n'importe où pour supprimer ce message

    ');setTimeout (function () {$ ('. Errmsg'). Supprime ()}, 3000);} else {if (btn.attr ('supprimer') == '1') {$ ('. Myevo-btn').(«supprimer», «0»);} else {$ ('. Myevo-btn'). text ('+ my evo'). att ('style', ''). attr ('retire', '0');if (d == 1) {btn.text ('retire'). att ('style', 'background: # ff9900; couleur: rgba (0,0,0,0,87);'). att ('supprimer','1');}}}});}}) Fonction appliquant lesFilters () {LET SelectedEvos = [];$ ('. Rarity-Search'). Chaque (fonction () {if ($ (this) .hasclass ('rarity-active')) {selectedEvos.push ($ (this) .attr ('data-evo')));Window.Location = '/en/wissam-ben-yedder/fc24/evolutions/376?complèteted='+selectedEvos.join('-' '' ''.', function () {$ (' .errmsg ') .remove ();}) loadMyevos (); $. getjson (' https://www.futwiz.com/en/single-price/24/376 ',Fonction (D) {Soit Price = + D.XB.Bin; $ ('. BASEPLAYER .EVO-LINK').

    Wissam ben yedder ea fc 24 évolutions cheminée (1)'+ prix.tolocalestring ("en-us") +'

    ');$ ('. TotalCost'). Chaque (fonction () {let linEcost = + $ (this) .attr ('data-coin-cost'); lineCostcp = + $ (this) .attr ('data-fp-cost-cost');«;;

    Wissam ben yedder ea fc 24 évolutions cheminée (2)'+ linecost +'

    Wissam ben yedder ea fc 24 évolutions cheminée (3)'+ linecostcp +'

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Wissam ben yedder ea fc 24 évolutions cheminée (2024)


Is Ben Yedder Israeli? ›

Ben Yedder is Tunisian by descent and holds a Tunisian passport. Ben Yedder was born on 12 August 1990 in Sarcelles, Val-d'Oise. He is the 4th of 6 children. He acquired French nationality on 13 September 2001, through the collective effect of his father's naturalization.

How many goals did Ben Yedder score? ›

Ben Yedder's second-half brace took him onto 15 league goals this season and made it seven in five career games against Clermont. It followed his two goals last weekend against Lyon, and took the 33-year-old sharpshooter onto 97 league goals since joining five years ago.

How much is Ben Yedder in FIFA 23? ›

Ben Yedder FIFA 23 is 32 years old and has 4* skills and 5* weakfoot, and is Right footed. Ben Yedder's price on the xbox market is 25,000 coins (7 month ago), playstation is 0 coins (Never ago) and pc is 45,000 coins (7 month ago).

Has Ben Yedder played for France? ›

Wissam Yanis Ben Yedder (born 12 August 1990) is a French professional footballer. He plays as a striker for Ligue 1 club AS Monaco and the France national team.

How much does Ben Yedder earn? ›

SeasonGross P/W (EUR)Gross P/Y (EUR)
2020-2021€ 150,000€ 7,800,000
2019-2020€ 150,000€ 7,800,000
2018-2019€ 38,269€ 1,990,000
2017-2018€ 44,423€ 2,310,000
7 more rows

Who scored 208 Premier League goals? ›

Wayne Rooney – 208 Goals

Rooney could do it all, and he tried to as well. Just as capable of scoring screamers as he was tap-ins, Rooney left an indelible mark on English football, Everton and Manchester United, for whom he is the all-time leading scorer (all competitions) with 253 goals.

Who scored the most goals for club and country in football history? ›

With over 890 goals at club and international level combined, Cristiano Ronaldo is widely regarded as the top goalscorer of all time.

How many goals did Platini score? ›

Olivier Giroud (57 goals) is the all-time leading goalscorer of the national team. Michel Platini (41 goals) captained France to victory at UEFA Euro 1984.

Is Ben Yedder left-footed? ›

Wissam Ben Yedder FIFA 24 has 4 Skill moves and 5 Weak Foot, he is Right-footed and his workrates are High/Low.

Why is FIFA 23 expensive? ›

EA justifies the increase in FIFA Points prices, saying "As we continue to see global economic fluctuations, including significant changes in currency valuation, we're working to balance prices of our live service content across all currencies globally.

Is FIFA 23 expensive? ›

In the U.S., standard edition FIFA 23 games will cost $59.99 on PS4 and Xbox One, with a bump in price for PS5 and Xbox Series X/S at $69.99.

Where has Ben Yedder played? ›

Prior to linking up with Monaco in August 2019, Ben Yedder made 91 league appearances in total at Sevilla, scoring 38 goals and providing 16 assists. Ben Yedder made a great impression on his Ligue 1 debut for Toulouse on 9th August 2015 .

Who has played for Sevilla and Ajax? ›

All Players
AFC AjaxSevilla FC
Oussama Idrissi20202020-2021
Michael Krohn-Dehli2006-20072015-2017
Nikos Machlas1999-20012002
11 more rows

Who played for Sevilla and France? ›

All Players
Sevilla FC
Timothée Kolodziejczak2014-20167377
Abdoulay Konko2008-20104360
Jules Koundé2019-202111036
21 more rows

Who has played for Monaco and Sevilla? ›

All Players
AS Monaco FCSevilla FC
Stevan Jovetić2017-20202016
Geoffrey Kondogbia2013-20142012-2013
Rony Lopes2015-20192019
7 more rows


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